Index / product / Computer Mount
Computer Mount - I-CDPO0003 - CDPO0012
  • CDPO0003 - Black, CDPO0004 - Red, CDPO0005 - Blue, CDPO0006 - White, CDPO0007 - BabyBlue, CDPO0008 - Orange, CDPO0009 - NeoGreen, - Various colors are available
  • CDPO0010 Camouflage, CDPO0011 Army, CDPO0012 Carbon
  • CDPO0003 - Black, CDPO0004 - Red, CDPO0005 - Blue, CDPO0006 - White, CDPO0007 - BabyBlue, CDPO0008 - Orange, CDPO0009 - NeoGreen,
  • CDPO0010 Camouflage, CDPO0011 Army, CDPO0012 Carbon

Lightweight and strong to hold the Garmin® computer:
 200 / 500 / 510 / 520 / 800 / 810

Various colors are available, each color to keep with bike's graphic 

 Material: Nylon with glass fiber

 Compatible with Garmin Edge® #200, #500 / 51 0/ 520, #800 / 810 

 Fits with 22.2mm / 25.4 mm / 31.8mm handlebar diameter

 Weight: 24g